I have created a Groovy script which is used in a System Groovy Script
step in a Jenkins job which needs to access the current build of the current job.
If in your Jenkins job you are using Groovy plug-in, then inside Execute system Groovy script
step the plug-in already provides you access to some predefined variables:
The current AbstractBuild.
A Launcher.
A BuildListener.
A PrintStream (listener.logger).
For example:
println build.getClass()
class hudson.model.FreeStyleBuild
This is the snippet I have been looking for!
import hudson.model.*
def currentBuild = Thread.currentThread().executable
This fits in with my above script like so:
import hudson.model.*
def scheduleDependentJob(jobName) {
def fooParam = new StringParameterValue('foo', 'bar');
def paramsAction = new ParametersAction(fooParam)
println "Scheduling dependent job"
def currentBuild = Thread.currentThread().executable
def cause = new Cause.UpstreamCause(currentBuild)
def causeAction = new hudson.model.CauseAction(cause)
instance.queue.schedule(job, 0, causeAction, paramsAction)
This completes the answer from luka5z to exemplify how scriptler passes the listener to the groovy script:
import jenkins.model.*;
import hudson.model.*;
import hudson.util.*;
import hudson.tasks.*;
import hudson.plugins.git.*;
import hudson.scm.*
import jenkins.scm.*
def build = Thread.currentThread()?.executable
//def svn_branch = build.buildVariableResolver.resolve("SVN_BRANCH")
if (build instanceof AbstractBuild){
def workspace = build.workspace
//def job = build.parent
def scm = build.parent.scm;
//println "scm: $scm"
if (scm instanceof hudson.scm.SubversionSCM) {
scm.checkout(build, null/*Launcher*/, workspace /*workspace*/, listener/*listener*/, null /*changelogfile*/,null/*baseline*/)
}else if (scm instanceof hudson.plugins.git.GitSCM) {
scm.checkout(build, null/*Launcher*/, workspace /*workspace*/, listener/*listener*/, null /*changelogfile*/,null/*baseline*/)
listener in Scriptler