styling individual rows in a Vuetify data table

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没有蜡笔的小新 2021-02-14 04:36

Can I apply different styling for a specific row in a data table?

This is my code:

  • 2021-02-14 05:03

    You can actually wrap your <td> elements within a <tr> element. Then you can use Vue style binding to determine whether you want classes applied or not.

      <tr v-bind:class="{'active-class-name': isActive(item)}">

    It renders out the tbody block with a row (tr) with applied class names and the child columns contained within.

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  • 2021-02-14 05:08

    here is a codepen that produces a similar result to what you're looking for. It uses the style binding syntax referenced by Daniel's comment above.

    If you want the whole row to have a red line (or in my example a red background), you'll need to wrap the three td in a tr. If you just want it on the id cell, then you can add

    <td class="text-xs-left" :style="{backgroundColor: ( > 4 ? 'red' : 'transparent' ) }">
     {{ }}
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  • 2021-02-14 05:19

    I was also trying to style rows in a vuetify data-table but the above answers didn't have everything I needed to make it work. Using Vuetify v2

    I wanted to add a class to a row when a certain condition was met.

      <template v-slot:item="props">
        <tr :class="{'my-class': props.item.current >}">

    // js portion of the component (computed prop)
    myItems() {
        return [
            current: 101,
            total: 100
            current: 45,
            total: 100
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-02-14 05:20

    You can now use vuetifys data table item-class property:

    new Vue({
      el: '#app',
      vuetify: new Vuetify(),
      methods: {
        row_classes(item) {
            if (item.calories < 200) {
              return "orange"; //can also return multiple classes e.g ["orange","disabled"]
      data () {
        return {
          singleSelect: false,
          selected: [],
          headers: [{text: 'Dessert (100g serving)', value: 'name'},
                    { text: 'Calories', value: 'calories' },
          desserts: [{name: 'Frozen Yogurt',calories: 159,},
                     {name: 'Ice cream sandwich',calories: 237,},
                     {name: 'Eclair',calories: 262,},
                     {name: 'Cupcake',calories: 305,},
    .orange {
      background-color: orange;
    <link rel='stylesheet' href=''>
    <div id="app">
          :item-class= "row_classes"                  
    <script src=''></script>
    <script src=''></script>

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