I get this error when writing to the database:
A dependent property in a ReferentialConstraint is mapped to a store-generated column. Column: \'Paym
My problem was caused by redundant defining of the Primary key in the configuration.
.Property(p => p.Id)
.HasDatabaseGeneratedOption(DatabaseGeneratedOption.Identity) // this is redundant when you want to configure a One-to-Zero-or-One relationship
Remove this line
Example http://www.entityframeworktutorial.net/code-first/configure-one-to-one-relationship-in-code-first.aspx
This is enough to define the relationship
// Configure Student & StudentAddress entity
.HasOptional(s => s.Address) // Mark Address property optional in Student entity
.WithRequired(ad => ad.Student); // mark Student property as required in StudentAddress entity. Cannot save StudentAddress without Student
Re-check the relationship between Payment and the other tables/entities. Including the ones that shouldn't contain PaymentId because that's where the problem is most likely hiding.
When creating foreign keys in SQL Server Management Studio, the primary key is defaulted, and this default is reverted when the parent table is changed, so be careful to change values in the correct order in the "Tables and Columns" window.
Also, after you've fixed the problematic relationship, there's a good chance that a simple "Refresh" on the model won't correctly remove the erronous relationship from the model and you'll get the same error even after the "fix", so do this yourself in the model before performing a refresh. (I found this out the hard way.)
For me it was a wrongly placed foreign key in the table but even after altering the table to fix it, it was still not working. You need to update the EDMX files (and not enough to "refresh" the table from the model, you need to remove and add the table again in the model).
I had the same problem. Based on the answers provided here I was able to track it and solve it, but I had a strange issue described below - it might help somebody in the future.
On my dependent tables, the foreign Key columns have been set to StoreGeneratedPattern="Identity". I had to change it to "None". Unfortunately, doing so inside designer didn't work at all.
I looked in the designer-generated XML (SSDL) and these properties were still there so I removed them manually. I also had to fix the columns on the database (remove the Identity(1,1) from CREATE TABLE SQL)
After that, the problem went away.
In my case, I had a Database Generated property, and a ForeignKey navigation property set up to reference a 1 to 1 related table.
This wasn't something I could remove, I needed to be able to both set the primary key of the entity to be Database Generated AND I needed to be able to reference the 1 to 1 table as a navigation property.
Not sure if this is the same for others, but this problem was only showing up when creating a new entity, reading or editing existing entities did not exhibit the issue, so I got around the issue by creating an inherited version of my Context and using the Fluent method to switch off the navigation property when creating.
So, my original entity looked like this:
public partial class MyEntity
public Guid id{ get; set; }
// Navigation
public PathEntity Path { get; set; }
So I made a special inherited context that looked like this:
private class _navPropInhibitingContext : EF.ApplicationDBContext
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
.Ignore(e => e.Path);
and then changed the code that created the new entity to make user of the new context type
using (var specialContext = new _navPropInhibitingContext())
var dbModel = new MyEntity()
await specialContext.SaveChangesAsync();
Hope this helps somebody
If you have checked your relationships and are good there.
Delete the table in the edmx and then update from database. This will save you doing the update manually.