I\'m adding more rspec testing to my app and would like to test a ScoringMethods module, which is in /lib/scoring_methods.rb. So I added a /spec/lib directory and added scoring
You should include your test block in an "it" block. For example:
require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper')
describe ScoringMethods do
describe "should have scorePublicContest method" do
it "should have a scorePublicContest method" do
methods = ScoringMethods.instance_methods
methods[0].should match(/scorePublicContest/)
You will find that the methods names returned aren't guaranteed to be in the order they exist in the file.
A model we often use when testing Modules is to include the module in either a class created for the test (inside the spec file) or included inside the spec itself.