I have a question related to CMake in MAC. I make sure that the executable program will link the framework and libraries correctly with the following codes:
Another solution is as follows:
target_link_libraries(program "-framework CoreFoundation")
target_link_libraries(program "-framework your_frame_work_name")
set_target_properties(program PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS "-Wl,-F/Library/Frameworks")
You can't link to a framework this way, you have to use find_library as it includes some special handling for frameworks on OSX.
Also, don't use link_directories, CMake use full paths to libraries and it's not needed.
Here's some simple example with AudioUnit:
find_library(AUDIO_UNIT AudioUnit)
message(FATAL_ERROR "AudioUnit not found")
add_executable(program ${program_SOURCES})
target_link_libraries(program ${AUDIO_UNIT})
You do not need all this hassle (at least with cmake 2.8.12).
This works fine:
target_link_libraries(program stdc++ "-framework Foundation" "-framework Cocoa" objc)
When CMake sees a link parameter starting with "-", it does not prepend "-l" and passes the argument as-is to the linker (/usr/bin/c++).
You need the quotes for frameworks so that CMake treats the two words as a single entry and does not add "-l" before "Foundation" for example.