I am implementing the huffman algorithm in C. I have got the basic functionality down up to the point where the binary codewords are obtained. so for example, abcd will be 10001
Collect bits until you have enough bits to fill a byte and then write it..
E.g. something like this:
int current_bit = 0;
unsigned char bit_buffer;
FILE *f;
void WriteBit (int bit)
if (bit)
bit_buffer |= (1<<current_bit);
if (current_bit == 8)
fwrite (&bit_buffer, 1, 1, f);
current_bit = 0;
bit_buffer = 0;
Once you're done writing your bits you have to flush the bit-buffer. To do so just write bits until current_bit equals to zero:
void Flush_Bits (void)
while (current_bit)
WriteBit (0);