C#: SQL Query Builder Class

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一整个雨季 2021-02-14 01:11

Where can I find a good SQL Query builder class. I just need a simple class to build a SQL string and that is it. I will need it for C# and MySql. I really don\'t need anything

  • 2021-02-14 01:29

    Since Google leads me to this page, I would suggest SqlKata, a simple but powerful SqlQuery Builder, that supports nested where conditions, subqueries and joins.

    Currently it supports SqlServer, MySql and PostgreSql

    var query = new Query("Users")
         .LeftJoin("Countries", "Users.CountryId", "Countries.Id")
         .Where("Status", "blocked")
         .OrWhereIn("Id", new [] {10, 11, 12})
         .OrWhere("LastLogin", ">", DateTime.UtcNow.AddMonths(-5));

    Note: I am the owner of it

    Difference between different compilers output
    MySql: https://sqlkata.com/playground/mysql?code=var%20query%20=%20new%20Query(%22Posts%22).Limit(10).Offset(20)%3B

    SqlServer: https://sqlkata.com/playground/sqlserver?code=var%20query%20=%20new%20Query(%22Posts%22).Limit(10).Offset(20)%3B

    Oracle: https://sqlkata.com/playground/oracle?code=var%20query%20=%20new%20Query(%22Posts%22).Limit(10).Offset(20)%3B

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  • 2021-02-14 01:31

    Mohammed Hadi, with DbExtensions your sample can be like this:

        public static string InsertQuery(string into, NameValueCollection values)
            var query = SQL
                .INSERT_INTO(into + " (" +
                             String.Join(" ,", values.Keys.Cast<String>().ToArray()) + 
                .VALUES(values.Keys.Cast<String>().Select(key => values[key]));
            return query.ToString();
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-02-14 01:31

    If you are using .NET 4 and don't mind using dynamics you can use Massive, created by Rob Conery, this single file Database requires no dlls, just drop the Massive.cs file and you ready to go.

    You can use the Massive to build queries like this.

    //grab all the products
    var products = table.All();
    var productsFour = table.All(columns: "ProductName as Name", where: "WHERE categoryID=@0",args: 4);

    You can also run ad-hoc queries as needed:

    var result = tbl.Query("SELECT * FROM Categories");
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-02-14 01:38

    I use this code..It Escapes the strings too i hope it Helps:

     class Mysql
        public static string INSERT(string INTO, NameValueCollection VALUES)
            string queryString = "INSERT INTO " + INTO + " (";
            for (int i = 0; i < VALUES.Count; i++)
                queryString += VALUES.Keys[i] + (i + 1 == VALUES.Count ? "" : ",");
            queryString += ") VALUES (";
            for (int i = 0; i < VALUES.Count; i++)
                queryString += Escape(VALUES[VALUES.Keys[i]]) + (i + 1 == VALUES.Count ? ("") : (","));
            queryString += ");";
            return queryString;
        public static string DELETE(string FROM, NameValueCollection WHERE)
            string queryString = "DELETE FROM " + FROM + " WHERE";
            for (int i = 0; i < WHERE.Count; i++)
                queryString += " " + WHERE.Keys[i] + "=" + Escape(WHERE[WHERE.Keys[i]]);
            queryString += ";";
            return queryString;
        public static string UPDATE(string UPDATE, NameValueCollection SET, NameValueCollection WHERE)
            string queryString = "UPDATE " + UPDATE + " SET";
            for (int i = 0; i < SET.Count; i++)
                queryString += " " + SET.Keys[i] + "=" + data.Escape(SET[SET.Keys[i]]) + (i + 1 == SET.Count ? ("") : (","));
            queryString += " WHERE";
            for (int i = 0; i < WHERE.Count; i++)
                queryString += " " + WHERE.Keys[i] + "=" + data.Escape(WHERE[WHERE.Keys[i]]);
            queryString += ";";
            return queryString;
        public static string SELECT(string[] SELECT, string FROM, NameValueCollection WHERE)
            string queryString = "SELECT ";
            for (int i = 0; i < SELECT.Length; i++)
                queryString += SELECT[i] + (i + 1 == SELECT.Length ? ("") : (","));
            queryString += " FROM " + FROM + " WHERE ";
            for (int i = 0; i < WHERE.Count; i++)
                queryString += " " + WHERE.Keys[i] + "=" + Escape(WHERE[WHERE.Keys[i]]);
            queryString += ";";
            return queryString;
        public static string Escape(string input)
            using (var writer = new StringWriter())
                using (var provider = CodeDomProvider.CreateProvider("CSharp"))
                    provider.GenerateCodeFromExpression(new CodePrimitiveExpression(input), writer, null);
                    return writer.ToString();

    You use it like this:

            NameValueCollection nvc_for_SET_and_VALUES=new NameValueCollection();
            NameValueCollection nvc_for_WHERE= new NameValueCollection();
            nvc_for_WHERE.Add("AND arg2","value2");
            nvc_for_WHERE.Add("OR arg2","value3");
            nvc_for_SET_and_VALUES.Add("arg", "value");
            nvc_for_SET_and_VALUES.Add("arg2", "value2");
            string[] fieldsToSelect= { "arg1", "arg2" };
            Mysql.DELETE("mytable", nvc_for_WHERE);
            Mysql.INSERT("mytable", nvc_for_SET_and_VALUES);
            Mysql.SELECT(fieldsToSelect, "mytable", nvc_for_WHERE);
            Mysql.UPDATE("mytable", nvc_for_SET_and_VALUES, nvc_for_WHERE);
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-02-14 01:48

    You could probably use the framework class CommandBuilder. Check out:


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