I\'m interested in function delete_all_between($char1, $char2, $string)
that will search given $string for $char1 and $char2 and, if such has been found, clear
$string = 'Some valid and <script>some invalid</script> text!';
$out = delete_all_between('<script>', '</script>', $string);
function delete_all_between($beginning, $end, $string) {
$beginningPos = strpos($string, $beginning);
$endPos = strpos($string, $end);
if ($beginningPos === false || $endPos === false) {
return $string;
$textToDelete = substr($string, $beginningPos, ($endPos + strlen($end)) - $beginningPos);
return delete_all_between($beginning, $end, str_replace($textToDelete, '', $string)); // recursion to ensure all occurrences are replaced
You can use double str_replace()
$q = str_replace('<script>', '', $string);
$p = str_replace('some invalid', '', $q);
echo $p;
Actually, I was looking for a function, which gives me simple and stable solution to grab out all the variables of TWIG template. The proposed regexps did not work well for many reasons so I decided to go by just erasing all the content between tags instead of counting tags ^_^.
* deletes ALL the string contents between all the designated characters
* @param $start - pattern start
* @param $end - pattern end
* @param $string - input string,
* @return mixed - string
function auxDeleteAllBetween($start, $end, $string) {
// it helps to assembte comma dilimited strings
$string = strtr($start. $string . $end, array($start => ','.$start, $end => chr(2)));
$startPos = 0;
$endPos = strlen($string);
while( $startPos !== false && $endPos !== false){
$startPos = strpos($string, $start);
$endPos = strpos($string, $end);
if ($startPos === false || $endPos === false) {
$run = false;
return $string;
$textToDelete = substr($string, $startPos, ($endPos + strlen($end)) - $startPos);
$string = str_replace($textToDelete, '', $string);
return $string;
* This function is intended to replace
* //preg_match_all('/\{\%\s*([^\%\}]*)\s*\%\}|\{\{\s*([^\}\}]*)\s*\}\}/i', $this->_tplSubj, $matchesSubj);
* which did not give intended results for some reason.
* @param $inputTpl
* @return array
private function auxGetAllTags($inputTpl){
$inputTpl = strtr($inputTpl, array('}}' => ','.chr(1), '{{' => chr(2)));
return explode(',',$this->auxDeleteAllBetween(chr(1),chr(2),$inputTpl));
$template = '<style>
td{border-bottom:1px solid #eee;}</style>
<p>Dear {{jedi}},<br>New {{padawan}} is waiting for your approval: </p>
<table border="0">
<tbody><tr><td><strong>Register as</strong></td><td>{{register_as}}, user-{{level}}</td></tr>
<tr><td><strong>Name</strong></td><td>{{first_name}} {{last_name}}</td></tr>...';
I think substr()
works too slow. The best way is:
return substr($string, 0, $beginningPos) .
substr($string, $endPos + strlen($end));
Here's a oneliner:
preg_replace('/START[\s\S]+?END/', '', $string);
Replace START
and END
:) Credits go to another SO thread!