I have input field for year and I need a regex for validation it.
I have such code: ^([12]\\d)?(\\d\\d)$
But I want allow to validate only years in certain range (
Try this:
1990 - 2010:
1950 - 2050:
Other examples:
1945 - 2013:
1812 - 3048:
Basically, you need to split your range into easy "regexable" chunks:
1812-3048: 1812-1819 + 1820-1899 + 1900-1999 + 2000-2999 + 3000-3039 + 3040-3048
regex: 181[2-9] 18[2-9]\d 19\d\d 2\d{3} 30[0-3]\d 304[0-8]
var year = parseInt(textField.value, 10);
if( year >= 1950 && year <= 2050 ) {
if you want to check for age between for example 18 or 70 I did it like this. my solution was
function yearRange(year) {
let now = new Date().getFullYear();
let age = now - Number(year);
if (age < 18 || age > 70) return false;
return true;
Here is a regex if you want to find a year in a film name for example. Years b/n 1900 - 2029 and some symbols are allowed wrapping the year .-_+[(
check it out here https://regex101.com/r/eQ9zK7/82
Note you can not start with year, because there is at least interval in front. In the example first few lines are matching, because we have multiple lines in a single line they wont match.
1917.2019.1080p... even if 1917 was in range it will mark only 2019
For a range from 1950 to 2050 you may use the following regex:
Online demo
This will work in your 'example case'.
Helpful website: http://utilitymill.com/utility/Regex_For_Range