Why do I have to .bind(this) for methods defined in React component class, but not in regular ES6 class

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感动是毒 2020-11-27 16:57

Something that is puzzling me is why when I define a react component class, values contained in the this object are undefined in methods defined (this

  • 2020-11-27 17:01

    Functions in ES6 Classes - the case is explained very well by @Felix Kling. Every time you call a function on an object, this points to the object.

    Lifecycle methods in React.Component - whenever React instantiates your component like myComponent = new MyComponent() it knows which object to call the lifecycle methods on, namely myComponent. So a simple call myComponent.componentDidUpdate() makes this available in the componentDidUpdate lifecycle method. Same for the other lifecycle methods.

    Handlers & Bound in React.Component - this.state is undefined, because this is actually window - log it and see. The reason is that React invokes handlers on the global context, unless you have the handler bound to another context which overrides window (see @Phi Nguyen's answer also). I think they have done that to allow you more flexibility, because in complex applications your handler may come from another component passed through props and then you would like to have the possibility to say: "Hey, React - this is not my component, but it's parent."

    React's documentation is a bid misleading when it says

    Methods follow the same semantics as regular ES6 classes, meaning that they don't automatically bind this to the instance.

    What they mean is that

    var dog = new Dog('Mitzie');
    speak = d.speak;
    dog.speak() // this will be dog, because the function is called on dog
    speak() // this will be window, and not dog, because the function is not bound
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  • 2020-11-27 17:05

    Just always put the autoBind(this); code in your constructor and never worry about method pointers.

    npm install --save auto-bind-inheritance

    const autoBind = require('auto-bind-inheritance');
    class Animal {
      constructor(name) {
        this.name = name;
      printName() { console.log(this.name); }
    let m = new Animal('dog');
    let mpntr = m.printName;
    m.printName() //> 'dog'
    mpntr()       //> 'dog', because auto-bind, binds 'this' to the method.
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  • 2020-11-27 17:09

    Event handlers in the component will not be bound automatically to the component instance like other methods ( life cycle methods...).

    class MyComponent extends React.Component {
          return (
             <div onClick={this.renderElements}>
                 {this.renderElements()} <-- `this` is still in side the MyComponent context
    //under the hood
    var instance = new MyComponent();
    var element = instance.render();
    //click on div
    element.onClick() <-- `this` inside renderElements refers to the window object now

    Check this example to understand this more :

    class Animal { 
        constructor(name) {
            this.name = name;
        speak() {
            console.log(this.name + ' makes a noise.');
    class Dog extends Animal {
           console.log(this.name + ' runs');
        speak() {
            console.log(this.name + ' barks.');
            this.run(); <-- `this` is still in the Dog context
            return {onRun : this.run};
    var d = new Dog('Mitzie');
    var myDog = d.speak();
    myDog.onRun() <-- `this` is now in the global context which is the `window` object

    You can check this article for more information.

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  • 2020-11-27 17:12

    1. Arrow Functions:

    An arrow function expression has a shorter syntax compared to function expressions and lexically binds the this value (does not bind its own this, arguments, super, or new.target). Arrow functions are always anonymous. These function expressions are best suited for non-method functions and they can not be used as constructors.


    The bind() method creates a new function that, when called, has its this keyword set to the provided value, with a given sequence of arguments preceding any provided when the new function is called.

    2.Component Specs and Lifecycle

    To be absolutely clear: Most lifecycle methods are not bound, but called on an instance using the dot notation (true for componentWillMount, componentWillUnmount, componentWillReceiveProps and so on...), except componentDidMount which is bound to the instance since it gets enqueued into the transaction.

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  • 2020-11-27 17:16

    The value of this primarily depends on how the function is called. Given d.speak();, this will refer to d because the function is called as an "object method".

    But in <div>{this.renderElements}</div> you are not calling the function. You are passing the function to React which will call it somehow. When it is called, React doesn't know which object the function "belonged" to so it cannot set the right value for this. Binding solves that

    I actually think what you really want is

    //         call function ^^

    i.e call the function as an object method. Then you don't have to bind it.

    Have a look at MDN to learn more about this.

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