Can I use a Celery Group primitive as the umbrella task in a map/reduce workflow?
Or more specific: Can the subtasks in a Group be run on multiple workers on multiple
I found out it is possible to use Chords for such a map reduce like problem.
def mapper():
#split your problem in embarrassingly parallel maps
maps = [map.s(), map.s(), map.s(), map.s(), map.s(), map.s(), map.s(), map.s()]
#and put them in a chord that executes them in parallel and after they finish calls 'reduce'
mapreduce = celery.chord(maps)(reduce.s())
return "{0} mapper ran on {1}".format(, celery.current_task.request.hostname)
def map():
#do something useful here
import time
return "{0} map ran on {1}".format(, celery.current_task.request.hostname)
def reduce(results):
#put the maps together and do something with the results
return "{0} reduce ran on {1}".format(, celery.current_task.request.hostname)
When the mapper is executed on a cluster of three workers/servers it first executes the mapper which splits your problem and the creates new subtasks that are again submitted to the broker. These run in parallel because the queue is consumed by all brokers. Also an chord task is created that polls all maps to see if they have finished. When done the reduce task is executed where you can glue your results back together.
In all: yes it is possible. Thanks for the vegetable guys!