i tried the CakePHP 3.x \"Bookmaker Tutorial\" and i followed the instruction step by step. Unfortunately, at the end of the first chapter i get the attached error:
I'm using Laravel 5.4 and facing same problem.
I try to set strict
into false
on config/database.php
and it works.
'connections' => [
'mysql' => [
'strict' => false,
However it's better to edit sql query than suppress it's warning.
This is a new thing in MySQL 5.7 and is a warning that your query is ambiguous.
Consider the following table:
id | name | age | points
1 Bob 21 1
2 James 14 1
3 Bob 21 3
4 James 14 2
5 Casey 17 3
If you did the following query:
SELECT name, age, SUM(points) FROM scores GROUP BY name
Then the name
column is used for grouping. Note that age
may have multiple values, so it's "non-aggregated". You need to do something to collapse down those values.
The behaviour in 5.6 and previous was to just pick the first one depending on sort order, though this was sometimes unpredictable and would fail. In 5.7 they're preventing you from doing it in the first place.
The solution here is to group on that as well, or to apply an aggregate operator like MIN()
to it.
Just stumbled on the same problem.
A simple way to make the tutorial "work" without changing the query could be to reset sql_mode
in config/app.php
'Datasources' => [
'default' => [
'className' => 'Cake\Database\Connection',
'driver' => 'Cake\Database\Driver\Mysql',
'persistent' => false,
'host' => 'localhost',
'init' => ["SET sql_mode = ''"],
While this should makes things work, it is probably not recommended in real life cases.
This may be the issue related to newer version of MySQL as you said you are using MySQL 5.7.11 So to solve this issue for all your sites see this
the answer by community to add the line below
in /etc/mysql/my.cnf file & saving it; and after restarting the server
sudo service mysql restart
Would do the work
In addition to tadman's comment, for tutorial you are following, you should distinct your sql select query by both Bookmarks.id and BookmarksTags.tag_id, instead of just Bookmarks.id
To do that, in BookmarksTable.php file, line
should look like
->distinct(['Bookmarks.id', 'BookmarksTags.tag_id'])