According to the Jupyter blog here, it is now possible to embed interactive widgets in a static webpage:
Live interactive widgets can now be embedded into
We made Kyso for exactly this. You can embed a jupyter notebook into a website using, and as long as the widgets are supported by BokehJS dashboard, the notebook will be interactive. Here is an example
PS. (disclaimer - I’m a founder of kyso)
It's been a long time since the question was asked but I will answer with today technology.
In order to embed interactive widgets you need a backend but there is a Project called MyBinder that can be used as a backend in the cloud for free. This was used as the foundation of a library called NBinteract, which can convert any notebook with interactive widgets in a single HTML webpage.
These HTMLs load a script from a cdn and manage all the interaction with MyBinder by their own.
There are some examples in their website and I also published a post in my blog where I used this technology along with Dockerfile, ffmpeg, matplotlib, animations and interactive widgets. So I believe this approach is quite robust and flexible.
The official docs says you need a repo but I could manage to use gists instead and submited an issue in the main repo explaining how to do it.