I want get all locations around my location but the function ST_Distance_Sphere
does not work.
My query:
select *, astext(location) as locat
A direct copy of my answer on DBA.SE,
Almost unbelievably, MariaDB lacks this ST_Distance_Sphere (MDEV-13467).
Find their support matrix here.
And it's not just that either, it also lacks ST_GeoHash
that MySQL has.
I think that's it ST_DISTANCE
For those who still need the function in MariaDB, you can create the function based on the formula
CREATE FUNCTION `st_distance_sphere`(`pt1` POINT, `pt2` POINT) RETURNS
return 6371000 * 2 * ASIN(SQRT(
POWER(SIN((ST_Y(pt2) - ST_Y(pt1)) * pi()/180 / 2),
2) + COS(ST_Y(pt1) * pi()/180 ) * COS(ST_Y(pt2) *
pi()/180) * POWER(SIN((ST_X(pt2) - ST_X(pt1)) *
pi()/180 / 2), 2) ));
That blog discusses multiple ways of "finding nearest" on the globe in MySQL/MariaDB. As part of that discussion, I developed that Stored Function.