Application is automatically building by jenkins after successful push, but version is always 1.0. Instead of \"0\" I want to insert number of corresponding build in jenkins: 1.
Problem solved by inserting these two strings into build.gradle's defaultConfig:
def env = System.getenv()
versionName "1." + env['BUILD_NUMBER']
instead of
versionName "1.0"
You have to make some preprocessing of your Manifest or build.gradle.
Fro example
I recommend you to get a system value that you can determine in each build you have, so you can change version of the app yourself in build configuration.
the configuration at the build.gradle should be
defaultConfig {
versionName System.getenv("APP_VERSION") as String ?: "3.0.0 (Default)"
Jenkins Configuration for parse the build parameter
Best approach will be to use gradle release plugin for this. Using this you can do automatic version inclement version in your manifest file. You can have a look here
You can use it for tagging your source tree as well for different versions.