A pretty big list of languages is on Wikipedia under Comparison of Programming Languages (array) under "Array system cross-reference list" table (Default base index column)
This has a good discussion of 1- vs. 0- indexed and subscriptions in general
To quote from the blog:
EWD831 by E.W. Dijkstra, 1982.
When dealing with a sequence of length N, the elements of which we
wish to distinguish by subscript, the
next vexing question is what subscript
value to assign to its starting
element. Adhering to convention a)
yields, when starting with subscript
1, the subscript range 1 ≤ i < N+1;
starting with 0, however, gives the
nicer range 0 ≤ i < N. So let us let
our ordinals start at zero: an
element's ordinal (subscript) equals
the number of elements preceding it in
the sequence. And the moral of the
story is that we had better regard
—after all those centuries!— zero as a
most natural number.
Remark:: Many programming languages have been designed without due
attention to this detail. In FORTRAN
subscripts always start at 1; in ALGOL
60 and in PASCAL, convention c) has
been adopted; the more recent SASL has
fallen back on the FORTRAN convention:
a sequence in SASL is at the same time
a function on the positive integers.
Pity! (End of Remark.)