I\'m a new one just start to learn and install RabbitMQ on Windows System.
I install Erlang VM and RabbitMQ in custom folder, not default folder (Both of them).
In Centos.
add ip nodename pair to /etc/hosts on each node.
restart rabbitmq-server service on each slave node.
works for me.
https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/rabbitmq-users/a6sqrAUX_Fg describes the problem where there is a cookie mismatch on a fresh installation of Rabbit MQ. The easy solution on windows is to synchronize the cookies
Also described here: http://www.rabbitmq.com/clustering.html#erlang-cookie
Ensure cookies are synchronized across 1, 2 and Optionally 3 below
(usually C:\Users\%USERNAME%\.erlang.cookie
for user %USERNAME%) if both the HOMEDRIVE and HOMEPATH environment variables are set
(usually C:\Users\%USERNAME%\.erlang.cookie
) if HOMEDRIVE and HOMEPATH are not both set
(usually C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\systemprofile
)The cookie file used by the Windows service account and the user running CLI tools must be synchronized by copying the one from C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\systemprofile
In my case, the file was at c:\\Windows\.erlang.cookie
, just copied it to C:\Users{USERNAME} and all works, thanks to everyone for the hits
i got error like this, i just stop my rabbitMQ with close port 25672
here syntax for linux:
kill -9 $(lsof -t -i:25672)
Error Images:
If you are using dedicated drive folder locations for your development tools/software in Windows10(Not the windows default location), one way you can synchronize the erlang cookie as described by https://www.rabbitmq.com/cli.html is by copying the cookie as explained below.
Please note in my case HOMEDRIVE and HOMEPATH environment variables both are not set.
After copying the "C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile\.erlang.cookie" to "C:\Users\%USERNAME%\.erlang.cookie" ,
the error "tcp connection succeeded but Erlang distribution failed" is resolved.
Now I am able to use "rabbitmqctl.bat status" command successfully. Hence there is no mandatory need to install in default location to resolve this error as synchronizing cookie will resolve that error.
I have encountered the same error after installing Erlang VM and RabbitMQ using the default installation folders in Windows 10. Managed to start the management and access it via HTTP, but status failed with this error.
The cookie was fine in all folders (%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%
, C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\systemprofile
I had to perform a restart the Windows to make it work. After restart it set up something to run at startup + asked permission to make an exception in the firewall.