Programmatically obtaining Big-O efficiency of code

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I wonder whether there is any automatic way of determining (at least roughly) the Big-O time complexity of a given function?

If I graphed an O(n) function vs. an O(n

  • 2020-11-27 16:36

    It sounds like what you are asking for is an extention of the Halting Problem. I do not believe that such a thing is possible, even in theory.

    Just answering the question "Will this line of code ever run?" would be very difficult if not impossible to do in the general case.

    Edited to add: Although the general case is intractable, see here for a partial solution:

    Also, some have stated that doing the analysis by hand is the only option, but I don't believe that is really the correct way of looking at it. An intractable problem is still intractable even when a human being is added to the system/machine. Upon further reflection, I suppose that a 99% solution may be doable, and might even work as well as or better than a human.

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  • 2020-11-27 16:36

    A lot of people have commented that this is an inherently unsolvable problem in theory. Fair enough, but beyond that, even solving it for any but the most trivial cases would seem to be incredibly difficult.

    Say you have a program that has a set of nested loops, each based on the number of items in an array. O(n^2). But what if the inner loop is only run in a very specific set of circumstances? Say, on average, it's run in aprox log(n) cases. Suddenly our "obviously" O(n^2) algorithm is really O(n log n). Writing a program that could determine if the inner loop would be run, and how often, is potentially more difficult than the original problem.

    Remember O(N) isn't god; high constants can and will change the playing field. Quicksort algorithms are O(n log n) of course, but when the recursion gets small enough, say down to 20 items or so, many implementations of quicksort will change tactics to a separate algorithm as it's actually quicker to do a different type of sort, say insertion sort with worse O(N), but much smaller constant.

    So, understand your data, make educated guesses, and test.

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  • 2020-11-27 16:36

    You must also take care when running such benchmarks. Some algorithms will have a behavior heavily dependent on the input type.

    Take Quicksort for example. It is a worst-case O(n²), but usually O(nlogn). For two inputs of the same size.

    The traveling salesman is (I think, not sure) O(n²) (EDIT: the correct value is 0(n!) for the brute force algotithm) , but most algorithms get rather good approximated solutions much faster.

    This means that the the benchmarking structure has to most of the time be adapted on an ad hoc basis. Imagine writing something generic for the two examples mentioned. It would be very complex, probably unusable, and likely will be giving incorrect results anyway.

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  • 2020-11-27 16:38

    As others have said, this is theoretically impossible. But in practice, you can make an educated guess as to whether a function is O(n) or O(n^2), as long as you don't mind being wrong sometimes.

    First time the algorithm, running it on input of various n. Plot the points on a log-log graph. Draw the best-fit line through the points. If the line fits all the points well, then the data suggests that the algorithm is O(n^k), where k is the slope of the line.

    I am not a statistician. You should take all this with a grain of salt. But I have actually done this in the context of automated testing for performance regressions. The patch here contains some JS code for it.

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  • 2020-11-27 16:39

    I don't know what's your objective in doing this, but we had a similar problem in a course I was teaching. The students were required to implement something that works at a certain complexity.

    In order not to go over their solution manually, and read their code, we used the method @Godeke suggested. The objective was to find students who used linked list instead of a balansed search tree, or students who implemented bubble sort instead of heap sort (i.e. implementations that do not work in the required complexity - but without actually reading their code).

    Surprisingly, the results did not reveal students who cheated. That might be because our students are honest and want to learn (or just knew that we'll check this ;-) ). It is possible to miss cheating students if the inputs are small, or if the input itself is ordered or such. It is also possible to be wrong about students who did not cheat, but have large constant values.

    But in spite of the possible errors, it is well worth it, since it saves a lot of checking time.

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  • 2020-11-27 16:44

    I am surprised to see so many attempts to claim that one can "measure" complexity by a stopwatch. Several people have given the right answer, but I think that there is still room to drive the essential point home.

    1. Algorithm complexity is not a "programming" question; it is a "computer science" question. Answering the question requires analyzing the code from the perspective of a mathematician, such that computing the Big-O complexity is practically a form of mathematical proof. It requires a very strong understanding of the fundamental computer operations, algebra, perhaps calculus (limits), and logic. No amount of "testing" can be substituted for that process.

    2. The Halting Problem applies, so the complexity of an algorithm is fundamentally undecidable by a machine.

    3. The limits of automated tools applies, so it might be possible to write a program to help, but it would only be able to help about as much as a calculator helps with one's physics homework, or as much as a refactoring browser helps with reorganizing a code base.

    4. For anyone seriously considering writing such a tool, I suggest the following exercise. Pick a reasonably simple algorithm, such as your favorite sort, as your subject algorithm. Get a solid reference (book, web-based tutorial) to lead you through the process of calculating the algorithm complexity and ultimately the "Big-O". Document your steps and results as you go through the process with your subject algorithm. Perform the steps and document your progress for several scenarios, such as best-case, worst-case, and average-case. Once you are done, review your documentation and ask yourself what it would take to write a program (tool) to do it for you. Can it be done? How much would actually be automated, and how much would still be manual?

    Best wishes.

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