I am looking for a way to retrieve the executionStats
for aggregations.
When using find(), I can retrieve them easily by using explain. Example output:
Currently(MongoDB 3.2) aggregation does not support executionStats, with explain option in aggreagation you get some data related to query but there is no executionStats in it. It is proposed and you can check its status here
Please upvote the issue if you want to implement this soon.
I was able to do it in the following way:
db.myUserCollection.explain("executionStats").aggregate([{$match: {firstName: "John"} }]);
Reference: https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-19758
executionStats was not supported for mongo aggregation queries till mongodb v3.4. The issue has been fixed in v3.6.
i.e. db.videos.explain('executionStats').aggregate([])
For me it works like this, you have this fixed in from version 3.5.5
It shows the execution plan and other metrics.