I want to sort members by name in the source code. Is there any easy way to do it?
I\'m using NetBeans, but if there is another editor that can do that, just tell me th
As of 6.0/6.1, this feature isn't available in the built-in tools. The "Navigator" view is intended to give you an ordered index of your members. To see the Navigator, go to Window->Navigating->Navigator or hit Control-F7.
Consider submitting a feature enhancement to Netbeans.
As @PaulCroarkin said - use eclipse, Or you can use Jalopy as part of your build which will do all manner of magical formatting to your source files in the process (whether this is a good thing or not is open to debate)
For C/C++ mode, right click on the method name inside the Navigator window, then there's choice of "Sort by Name" or "Sort by Source", choose the one you like :)
Here is the easy way to do it in NetBeans:
And that is it. Your source file should have the members sorted alphabetically.
In Netbeans 8.0.1:
Tools -> Options -> Editor -> Formatting -> Category: Ordering
Source -> Organize Members
This is implemented in Netbeans 7.3: http://netbeans.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=212528