$scope.myVariable not updated in controller for angular-ui bootstrap modal

前端 未结 2 843
余生分开走 2021-02-13 06:06

In my view I have an input, a span and a button like so:

  • 2021-02-13 06:25

    ng-include creates a new scope. So pass a object instead of string


    The template then looks like

    <script type="text/ng-template" id="myTemplate.html">
      <input type="text" ng-model="phone.number">
      <span>{{ phone.number}}</span>
      <input type="button" ng-click="click()">

    Look at this wiki to understand the issues with prototypal inheritance.

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  • 2021-02-13 06:38

    Had the same problem and after a few experiments I've settled on writing

    <input type="text" ng-model="$parent.phoneNumber">

    This way input is bound to the blue scope, which is exactly what you wanted.

    Other way is to initialise phoneNumber with a true-ish value. Try $scope.phoneNumber= '123'; - worked fine for me.

    Angular seems to walk up the scope tree looking for an attribute to bind to. If nothing's found - it binds to the inner-most scope, red scope in your pic. As other answer suggests - this red scope is created by ng-include, as a child of controller's $scope.

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