Without going through the char sequence is there any way to reverse String
in Java
Here I have a sample of the same using substring method and o(n) without using any nethods from string . I am aware that using substring will hold complete string memory.
for(int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
s = s.substring(1, s.length() - i) + s.charAt(0) + s.substring(s.length() - i);
This might help you!!
I have not seen any easy way. Here is the suitable way to do:
String d = "abcdefghij";
char b[] = new char[d.length()];// new array;
int j=0; // for the array indexing
for(int i=d.length()-1;i>=0;i--){
b[j] = d.charAt(i); // input the last value of d in first of b i.e. b[0] = d[n-1]
System.out.println("The reverse string is: "+String.valueOf(b));
The reverse string is: jihgfedcba
array[i] = array[n-i];
where i is the Iteration and n is the total length of array
This is a way to do so using recursion -
public static String reverse(String s1){
int l = s1.length();
if (l>1)
return(s1.substring(l-1) + reverse(s1.substring(0,l-1)));
Use StringBuilder's
or StringBuffer's
method... reverse()
public class StringReverse
public static void main(String[] args)
String string=args[0];
String reverse = new StringBuffer(string).reverse().toString();
System.out.println("\nString before reverse: "+string);
System.out.println("String after reverse: "+reverse);
is thread-safe, where as StringBuilder
is Not thread safe..... StringBuilder
was introduced from Java 1.5, as to do those operations faster which doesn't have any Concurrency to worry about....
You may use StringBuilder..
String word = "Hello World!";
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(word);
You can use String buffer to reverse a string.
public String reverse(String s) {
return new StringBuffer(s).reverse().toString();
one more interesting way to do this is recursion.
public String reverse(String s) {
if (s.length() <= 1) {
return s;
return reverse(s.substring(1, s.length())) + s.charAt(0);