I have an Electron app that can open different windows.
On app launch the app open a set of window(s) (that load the same HTML and JS files) but with params to change ea
For example:
Process script
In your main script write:
global.varsForWindow = {
platform: process.platform
Window script
Where you need it in a window script:
var varsFromMainScript = require('electron').remote.getGlobal('varsForWindow');
A few methods:
The query string method others have posted seems to work fine. It might even be the easiest.
Electron's documentation says additionalArguments
Useful for passing small bits of data down to renderer process preload scripts.
const win = new BrowserWindow({
width: 800,
height: 600,
backgroundColor: '#000000'
webPreferences: {
additionalArguments: ["myvarvalue", "secondvarvalue", "--another=something"]
is going to look something like:
It will append an array of strings. You could do something window.process.argv.slice(-3)
to grab the last items in the array.
Like you said, it seems complicated for what you are trying to do, but maybe this helps:
const { ipcMain } = require('electron');
var mainProcessVars = {
somevar: "name",
anothervar: 33
ipcMain.on('variable-request', function (event, arg) {
event.sender.send('variable-reply', [mainProcessVars[arg[0]], mainProcessVars[arg[1]]]);
const { ipcRenderer } = electron;
electron.ipcRenderer.send('variable-request', ['somevar', 'anothervar']);
ipcRenderer.on('variable-reply', function (event, args) {
console.log(args[0]); // "name"
console.log(args[1]); // 33
This way allows you to send data besides strings.
Using query string along with win.loadFile()
// main process or renderer process 1
data = {"age": 12, "healthy": true}
let win = new BrowserWindow({
webPreferences: {
nodeIntegration: true
win.loadFile("public/print.html", {query: {"data": JSON.stringify(data)}});
// renderer process 2
const querystring = require('querystring');
let query = querystring.parse(global.location.search);
let data = JSON.parse(query['?data'])
You can share data between main and renderer processor using global
Main processor:
global.id = 1;
Renderer processor:
let id = remote.getGlobal('id');
We can inject Javascript code execution (on window did-finish-load
event) and trigger react re-rendering with correct redux state portion. But it requires additional lifecycle step in rendered process.
Using hash or query in "local filepath" sounds a little bit weird but in my case it take sense since the hash describe the redux store branch to take in consideration in this window (file://which-code-to-load#which-content
So even if i'm not totally at ease with this approach right now I'll take the second option.
It's a shame that the API doesn't provide any way to declare global vars from main process on window opening. I'll post a feature request.
According atom source code the query string method is a reliable way to do that very simply, especially when we only need to pass a unique string param:
// main process
// rendered process