I have a VARBINARY(MAX) field in a database table which contains ~35k characters. This field is a converted word document which unfortunately no longer have access to.
Skip the grid
In SSMS Query Results To File
Run the query
Or why don't you used linked server to insert directly
I tested and save to file does truncate.
Can you use .NET with a DataReader and .GetBinary ?
To reliably copy large strings out of your SSMS query results pane, you want to pay close attention to the following settings (I'm looking at SSMS 10.50.2500.0 right now):
Tools > Options > Query Results > SQL Server > Results to Grid
Max chars retreived:
Non-XML: 65535
XML: Unlimited
Tools > Options > Query Results > SQL Server > Results to Text
Max chars displayed:
You may need to at least open a new query window for the settings to apply. Notice that since XML is unlimited, you can potentially cast to XML to get full results. In this case you might do the following:
select cast(convert(varchar(max), MyColumn, 1) as xml) -- Use style 1 to get "0x..."
All that said, there may be better (and automatable/reproducible) methods for moving data around your systems as others have mentioned:
SSMSBoost add-in for SSMS that I develop has 2 features that can help you:
It can "visualize" documents saved in cells right from ResultsGrid. So you will be able to see your document in word right from SSMS. Link: http://www.ssmsboost.com/Features/ssms-add-in-results-grid-visualizers-feature
It can copy all bytes from cell to clipboard. You can paste the data then in some "good" text editor and save it as .doc. But first solution is better, as far as you will get word document directly: http://www.ssmsboost.com/Features/ssms-add-in-copy-results-grid-cell-contents-line-with-breaks
You can simply export (Save As) your results to a csv.
1) Run the query in SSMS
2) Results are display in the grid format
3) Right click on the grid, and choose Save Results As
4) Choose a format of csv or text file
5) Save the results to file
This way will export all the data and from there you can select all the text you want.
Note: These steps were done using SSMS 2012 but should be the same or similar for 2008 and other Database management tools