void init()
intcolumnwidth1 = int_scr_wd*55;
intcolumnwidth1 = intcolumnwidth1/100;
for (int i = 0; i < strarr.length-1; i++)
strinarr = fun1.sp
look this code to remove row in table
private List<View> listViewRow;
if (listViewRow.size() > 0) {
for (View view : listViewRow) {
for (int i = 0; i < myList.size(); i++) {
row.addView((new TextView(context).setText("Teste")), 0);
row.addView((new TextView(context).setText("Teste")), 1);
row.addView((new TextView(context).setText("Teste")), 2);
table.addView(row, 1);
Use this:
new Handler().postDelayed(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
TableRow row = (TableRow)table.getChildAt(i);
}, 100);
Where i - is row position, wich you want to delete.
You need to know the textview to be deleted. The TextView can be identified by setting a unique id using setId() or using a unique tag using setTag().
It can then be identified by TextView tv = (TextView) tr1.findViewByTag(unique tag);
Use removeView to delete the View.
I use this:
I realize this is a old thread but I as shocked when I came across this without a decent answer.
I do it like this:
TableLayout table = (TableLayout) findViewById(R.id.myTable);
That will remove all of the child views, in this case rows and everything. It doesn't seem by your description that you want to delete just one row, but that you want to remove them and then load the rows again. The above code will do the removing part.
Try removeView
row = (TableRow)findViewById(R.id.row);