I\'ve got a few classes that implement Parcelable and some of these classes contain each other as properties. I\'m marshalling the classes into a Parcel to pass them between
I got ClassNotFoundException too and posting my solution bc the answers here led me to the right direction. My scenario is that I have nested parcelable objects. Object A contains an ArrayList of Object's B. Both implement Parcelable. Writing the list of B Object's in class A:
public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) {
Reading the list in class A:
public ObjectA(Parcel source) {
myArrayList= new ArrayList<B>();
source.readList(myArrayList, B.class.getClassLoader());
Thank you!
I found the problem was I was not passing my applications ClassLoader to the unmarshalling function:
Rather than:
Well I had the same problem and solve it in a very silly way that I dont know if its called a solution at all.
lets say you have this class you want to pass to another activity
public class Person implements Parcelable,Serializable{
public String Name;
public int Age;
public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) {
public SeriesInfo(Parcel in) {
age= in.readInt(); //her was my problem as I have put age befor name
//while in the writeToParcel function I have defined
//dest.writeInt(age) after in.readString();???!!!!
name= in.readString();
Thats it When I changed the:
The problem was solved???!!!!
Just adding my 2 cents here, because I lost more than half a day scratching my head on this. You might get this error if you don't put the writes methods and reads methods in the exact same order. For instance the following would be wrong:
// Order: locid -> desc -> lat -> dir -> lng
public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) {
dest.writeInt (locid);
// Order: locid -> desc -> dir -> lat -> lng
private LocationType(Parcel dest) {
locid = dest.readInt();
desc = dest.readString();
dir = dest.readString();
lat = dest.readDouble();
lng = dest.readDouble();
By the way the author did this correctly but it might help someone one day.
Because this was not answered in "answer" but in comment I will post an answer: As @Max-Gontar pointed you should use LocationType.class.getClassLoader() to get the correct ClassLoader and get rid of ClassNotFound exception, i.e.:
Instead of using writeParcelable and readParcelable use writeToParcel and createFromParcel directly. So the better code is:
public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) {
location.writeToParcel(dest, flags);
dest.writeLong(end );
public static final Parcelable.Creator<LayoverType> CREATOR = new Parcelable.Creator<LayoverType>() {
public LayoverType createFromParcel(Parcel in) {
return new LayoverType(in);
public LayoverType[] newArray(int size) {
return new LayoverType[size];
private LayoverType(Parcel dest) {
location = LocationType.CREATOR.createFromParcel(dest);
start = dest.readLong();
end = dest.readLong();