I have a query that needs the most recent record from a secondary table called tbl_emails_sent
That table holds all the emails sent to clients. And most c
Would this not work?
SELECT t1.datesent,t1.customerid,t2.email,t2.name
(SELECT max(datesent) AS datesent,customerid
FROM `tbl_emails_sent`
) as t1
INNER JOIN `tbl_customers` as t2
ON t1.customerid=t2.customerid
Only issue you have then is what if two datesents are the same, what is the deciding factor in which one gets picked?
It should be like this, you need to have a separate query to get the maximum date (or the latest date) that the email was sent.
SELECT a.*, b.*
FROM tbl_customers a
INNER JOIN tbl_emails_sent b
ON a.customerid = b.customerid
SELECT customerid, MAX(datesent) maxSent
FROM tbl_emails_sent
GROUP BY customerid
) c ON c.customerid = b.customerid AND
c.maxSent = b.datesent