I am trying to use the Angular schemats that are shown on this page. When I try to use this following command in the terminal at the root of the project ng generate @ang
Try the following cmds, It worked for me :
npm install --save @angular/material@6.2.1 @angular/cdk@6.2.1
ng add @angular/material@6.2.1
The Error is due to Angular Material 7. just run the following command in your terminal ng add @angular/material@6.2.1
I found you're syntax wrong : ng generate @angular/material:nav <name-of-new-nav>
You can install it using:
ng generate @angular/material:dashboard --name myDashboard
For other components it will be:
ng generate @angular/material:nav --name myNav
ng generate @angular/material:table --name myTable
Info about other component schematics you can find in file, located in:
It seems broken, Temp solution, use the following version
ng add @angular/material@6.2.1
Worked for me this way (from docs)
ng add @angular/material
ng generate @angular/material:material-nav --name <component-name>
ng generate @angular/material:material-dashboard --name <component-name>
ng generate @angular/material:material-table --name <component-name>
Angular 6.4.7