From the PyQt4 website their instructions for installing the package are to download the tarball and use the config file. I have two versions of Python, one is my normal sys
Updated version of @Alaaedeen's answer. You can specify any part of the version of any package you want to install. This may cause other package versions to change. For example, if you don't care about which specific version of PyQt4 you want, do:
conda install pyqt=4
This would install the latest minor version and release of PyQt 4. You can specify any portion of the version that you want, not just the major number. So, for example
conda install pyqt=4.11
would install the latest (or last) release of version 4.11.
Keep in mind that installing a different version of a package may cause the other packages that depend on it to be rolled forward or back to where they support the version you want.
Successfully installed it on OSX using homebrew:
brew install sip
brew install pyqt
which (currently) installs PyQt4. Anaconda is the main python on the machine (OSX 10.8.5).
For windows users, there is an easy fix. Download whl files from:
run from anaconda prompt pip install PyQt4‑4.11.4‑cp37‑cp37m‑win_amd64.whl
Well, here is another way - you could use python to call these commands:
npm install -g pageres-cli
Then you can simply do this:
pageres --format=jpg --filename=...
Or if you have wkhtmltoimage installed (sudo apt install wkhtmltopdf), simply do this:
wkhtmltoimage filename.jpg
So no trouble with any lib or whatever anymore and call these commands from within your python project.
How to install PyQt4 on anaconda python 2 on Windows:
At first I have tried to isntall pyqt4 via pip install
C:\Users\myuser\Anaconda2\Scripts\pip.exe search pyqt4 > pyqt4.txt
It shows:
PyQt4 (4.11.4) - Python bindings for the Qt cross platform GUI toolkit
But when I tried to install, it gives an error:
C:\Users\myuser\Anaconda2\Scripts\pip.exe install PyQt4
Collecting PyQt4
Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement PyQt4 (from versions:
No matching distribution found for PyQt4
Seems this answer is realated to this problem:
Then I have tried to install it via conda install
( How to install PyQt4 in anaconda? ) :
C:\Users\myuser\Anaconda2\Scripts\conda.exe search pyqt
It shows:
pyqt 4.10.4 py26_0 defaults
4.10.4 py27_0 defaults
4.10.4 py33_0 defaults
4.10.4 py34_0 defaults
4.10.4 py26_1 defaults
4.10.4 py27_1 defaults
4.10.4 py33_1 defaults
4.10.4 py34_1 defaults
4.11.4 py27_0 defaults
4.11.4 py35_0 defaults
4.11.4 py27_2 defaults
4.11.4 py34_2 defaults
4.11.4 py35_2 defaults
4.11.4 py27_3 defaults
4.11.4 py34_3 defaults
4.11.4 py35_3 defaults
4.11.4 py27_4 defaults
4.11.4 py34_4 defaults
4.11.4 py35_4 defaults
4.11.4 py27_5 defaults
4.11.4 py34_5 defaults
4.11.4 py35_5 defaults
4.11.4 py27_6 defaults
4.11.4 py34_6 defaults
4.11.4 py35_6 defaults
4.11.4 py27_7 defaults
4.11.4 py34_7 defaults
4.11.4 py35_7 defaults
5.6.0 py27_0 defaults
5.6.0 py34_0 defaults
5.6.0 py35_0 defaults
5.6.0 py27_1 defaults
5.6.0 py34_1 defaults
5.6.0 py35_1 defaults
5.6.0 py27_2 defaults
5.6.0 py34_2 defaults
5.6.0 py35_2 defaults
5.6.0 py36_2 defaults
5.6.0 py27h224ed30_5 defaults
5.6.0 py35hd46907b_5 defaults
5.6.0 py36hb5ed885_5 defaults
But it gives error:
C:\Users\myuser\Anaconda2\Scripts\conda.exe install pyqt=4.11.4
Fetching package metadata .............
Solving package specifications: .
UnsatisfiableError: The following specifications were found to be in conflict:
- navigator-updater -> pyqt >=5.6 -> qt 5.6.*
- pyqt 4.11.4* -> qt >=4.8.6,<5.0
- pyqt 4.11.4* -> sip >=4.16.4,<4.18
Use "conda info <package>" to see the dependencies for each package.
Same with -c
C:\Users\myuser\Anaconda2\Scripts\conda.exe install -c anaconda pyqt=4.11.4
Fetching package metadata ...............
Solving package specifications: .
UnsatisfiableError: The following specifications were found to be in conflict:
- navigator-updater -> pyqt >=5.6 -> qt 5.6.*
- pyqt 4.11.4* -> qt >=4.8.6,<5.0
- pyqt 4.11.4* -> sip >=4.16.4,<4.18
Use "conda info <package>" to see the dependencies for each package.
Then I tried to uninstall pyqt
C:\Users\myuser\Anaconda2\Scripts\conda.exe uninstall pyqt
And installed it again:
C:\Users\myuser\Anaconda2\Scripts\conda.exe install -c anaconda pyqt=4.11.4
And finnaly it works!
PyQt is now available on all platforms via conda!
Useconda install pyqt
to get these #Python bindings for the Qt framework. @ 1:02 PM - 1 May 2014