Is there any way I can override the value of dateCreated
field in my domain class without turning off auto timestamping?
I need to test controller and I ha
As of grails 2.5.1, getMapping() method of GrailsDomainBinder class is not static,non of the above method works as is. However, @Volt0's method works with minor tweaking. Since all of us are trying to do so to make our tests working, instead of placing it in BootStrap, I placed it in actual integration test. Here is my tweak to Volt0's method:
def disableAutoTimestamp(Class domainClass) {
Mapping mapping = new GrailsDomainBinder().getMapping(domainClass)
mapping.autoTimestamp = false
def enableAutoTimestamp(Class domainClass) {
Mapping mapping = new GrailsDomainBinder().getMapping(domainClass)
mapping.autoTimestamp = true
And simply call these methods in tests like
//Your DB calls
The above code can also be placed in src directory and can be called in tests however I placed this in actual test as there was only one class in my app where I needed this.
A simpler solution is to use a SQL query in your integration test to set it as you please after you initialize your object with the other values you want.
"""UPDATE YourDomainClass SET dateCreated = :date
WHERE yourColumn = :something""",
[date:yourDate, something: yourThing])
The easy solution is to add a mapping:
static mapping = {
cache true
autoTimestamp false
I couldn't get the above techniques to work, the call to GrailsDomainBinder.getMapping always returned null???
You can use the fixtures plugin to set the dateCreated property on a domain instance
The initial loading will not do it...
fixture {
// saves to db, but date is set as current date :(
tryDate( SomeDomain, dateCreated: Date.parse( 'yyyy-MM-dd', '2011-12-25') )
but if you follow up with a post handler
post {
// updates the date in the database :D
tryDate.dateCreated = Date.parse( 'yyyy-MM-dd', '2011-12-01')
Relevant part of the fixtures docs here
AFAIK fixtures don't work for unit testing, although the plugin authors may add unit testing support in the future.
I was having a similar issue, and was able to overwrite dateCreated for my domain (in a Quartz Job test, so no @TestFor annotation on the Spec, Grails 2.1.0) by
For reference, my test:
import grails.buildtestdata.mixin.Build
import spock.lang.Specification
import groovy.time.TimeCategory
class MyJobSpec extends Specification {
MyJob job
def setup() {
job = new MyJob()
void "test execute fires my service"() {
given: 'mock service'
MyService myService = Mock()
job.myService = myService
and: 'the domains required to fire the job'
Date fortyMinutesAgo
use(TimeCategory) {
fortyMinutesAgo = 40.minutes.ago
MyDomain myDomain = 'value') true) // save once, let it write dateCreated as it pleases
myDomain.dateCreated = fortyMinutesAgo true) // on the double tap we can now persist dateCreated changes
when: 'job is executed'
then: 'my service should be called'
1 * myService.someMethod()
I got this working by simply setting the field. The trick was to do that after the domain object has been saved first. I assume that the dateCreated timestamp is set on save and not on object creation.
Something along these lines
class Message {
String content
Date dateCreated
// ... and in test class
def yesterday = new Date() - 1
def m = new Message( content: 'hello world' ) flush: true )
m.dateCreated = yesterday flush: true )
Using Grails 2.3.6