# file: main.yml
- hosts: fotk
remote_user: fakesudo
- name: create a developer user
user: name={{ user }}
password={{ password }}
If the play still has a ‘tasks’ section, those tasks are executed after roles are applied.
If you wish to run tasks before or after roles are executed, you need to list these under pre_tasks
and post_tasks
. Thus, there is no way to run "loose" tasks between two roles. You might want to create a dedicated role for these tasks.
Short follow up to the already mentioned options by quoting the latest Ansible docs docs.ansible.com/latest/playbooks_reuse_roles:
As of Ansible 2.4, you can now use roles inline with any other tasks using import_role or include_role:
- hosts: webservers
- debug:
msg: "before we run our role"
- import_role:
name: example
- include_role:
name: example
- debug:
msg: "after we ran our role"`
Code snippet is also from Ansible docs.
Be aware of the difference between static (import*) & dynamic (include*) usage.
Actually this should be possible and I remember I did this a few times during testing. Might be something with your version - or the order does matter, so that the tasks will be executed after the roles.
I would have posted this as a comment, rather than an answer, but I wouldn't be able to give the following example in a comment:
Whatever might be the reason why your task is not executed, you can always separate your playbook into several plays, like so:
# file: main.yml
- hosts: fotk
remote_user: fakesudo
- name: create a developer user
user: name={{ user }}
password={{ password }}
- hosts: fotk
remote_user: fakesudo
- { role: create_developer_environment, sudo_user: "{{ user }}" }
- { role: vim, sudo_user: "{{ user }}" }
You can also do pre_tasks: and post_tasks: if you need to do things before or after. From the Docs https://docs.ansible.com/playbooks_roles.html
- hosts: localhost
- shell: echo 'hello in pre'
- { role: some_role }
- shell: echo 'in tasks'
- shell: echo 'goodbye in post'
Gives the output: PLAY [localhost]
GATHERING FACTS *************************************************************** ok: [localhost]
TASK: [shell echo 'hello in pre'] ********************************************* changed: [localhost]
TASK: [some_role | shell echo 'hello from the role'] ************************** changed: [localhost]
TASK: [shell echo 'in tasks'] ************************************************* changed: [localhost]
TASK: [shell echo 'goodbye in post'] ****************************************** changed: [localhost]
PLAY RECAP ******************************************************************** localhost : ok=5 changed=4 unreachable=0
This is with ansible 1.9.1