I have a number of files in a folder, and I need to get the last modified date. So I used
FDate = IO.File.GetLastWriteTime(FName)
It works fine
From File.GetLastWriteTime Method:
If the file described in the path parameter does not exist, this method returns 12:00 midnight, January 1, 1601 A.D. (C.E.) Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), adjusted to local time.
The file you are querying is probably missing.
The query mentioned below will get the correct LastModifiedDate
for all of the files contained in a folder.
Dim strFilepath = "" 'Specify path details
Dim directory As New System.IO.DirectoryInfo(strFilepath)
Dim File As System.IO.FileInfo() = directory.GetFiles()
Dim File1 As System.IO.FileInfo
For Each File1 In File
Dim strLastModified As String
strLastModified = System.IO.File.GetLastWriteTime(strFilepath & "\" & File1.Name).ToShortDateString()