I am using the retrofit 2 and OkHttp3 to request data from server. I just added a offline cache code but It\'s not working as expected. I got the error \"Unable to resolve host
This happens when trying to access a hostname that is not available on the connected network. Check whether or not you can access this URL through the web browser of the device. If not: There is your problem.
I had the same error in my project with kotlin, and I fixed it like this:
private fun provideOfflineCacheInterceptor(context: Context): Interceptor {
return Interceptor { chain ->
var request = chain.request()
var cacheHeaderValue = if (!hasNetwork(context)!!){
"public, only-if-cached, max-stale=" + 60 * 60 * 24 * 1
} else {
"public, max-age=" + 5
request = request.newBuilder().header("Cache-Control", cacheHeaderValue).build()
private fun provideCacheInterceptor(context: Context): Interceptor {
return Interceptor { chain ->
val request = chain.request()
var cacheHeaderValue = if (!hasNetwork(context)!!){
"public, only-if-cached, max-stale=" + 60 * 60 * 24 * 1
} else {
"public, max-age=" + 5
//request = request.newBuilder().build()
val response = chain.proceed(request)
.header("Cache-Control", cacheHeaderValue)
Please check your network "turn ON" in Manifest file permission OFF Airplane mode on Emulator
Your server response has a "Pragma: no-cache" header. You should remove this header in your response interceptor not your request interceptor.
In your current code you've removed it from the request interceptor.
Your provideCacheInterceptor()
should look like this:
public static Interceptor provideCacheInterceptor() {
return new Interceptor() {
public Response intercept(Chain chain) throws IOException {
Response response = chain.proceed(chain.request());
// re-write response header to force use of cache
CacheControl cacheControl = new CacheControl.Builder()
.maxAge(2, TimeUnit.MINUTES)
return response.newBuilder()
.header(CACHE_CONTROL, cacheControl.toString())