I created a file by using:
store = pd.HDFStore(\'/home/.../data.h5\')
and stored some tables using:
store[\'firstSet\'] = df1
I had the same problem and finally fixed it by installing the pytables module (next to the pandas modules which I was using):
conda install pytables
which got me numexpr-2.4.3 and pytables-3.2.0
After that it worked. I am using pandas 0.16.2 under python 2.7.9
You could try doing instead:
store = pd.io.pytables.HDFStore('/home/.../data.h5')
df1 = store['firstSet']
or use the read method directly:
df1 = pd.read_hdf('/home/.../data.h5', 'firstSet')
Either way, you should have pandas 0.12.0 or higher...
In my hands, following approach works best:
df = pd.DataFrame(...)
with pd.HDFStore('test.h5', mode='w') as store:
store.append('df', df, data_columns= df.columns, format='table')
with pd.HDFStore('test.h5', mode='r') as newstore:
df_restored = newstore.select('df')