I\'d like to link 2 columns of unique identifiers and be able to get a first column value by a second column value as well as a second column value by a first column value. Some
Here's a quick Scala wrapper for Guava's BiMap
import com.google.common.{collect => guava}
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.languageFeature.implicitConversions
class MutableBiMap[A, B] private (
private val g: guava.BiMap[A, B] = new guava.HashBiMap[A, B]()) {
def inverse: MutableBiMap[B, A] = new MutableBiMap[B, A](g.inverse)
object MutableBiMap {
def empty[A, B]: MutableBiMap[A, B] = new MutableBiMap()
implicit def toMap[A, B] (x: MutableBiMap[A, B]): mutable.Map[A,B] = x.g
Guava has a bimap that you can use along with
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
My BiMap approach:
object BiMap {
private[BiMap] trait MethodDistinctor
implicit object MethodDistinctor extends MethodDistinctor
case class BiMap[X, Y](map: Map[X, Y]) {
def this(tuples: (X,Y)*) = this(tuples.toMap)
private val reverseMap = map map (_.swap)
require(map.size == reverseMap.size, "no 1 to 1 relation")
def apply(x: X): Y = map(x)
def apply(y: Y)(implicit d: BiMap.MethodDistinctor): X = reverseMap(y)
val domain = map.keys
val codomain = reverseMap.keys
val biMap = new BiMap(1 -> "A", 2 -> "B")
println(biMap(1)) // A
println(biMap("B")) // 2
Of course one can add syntax for <->
instead of ->