Calculate difference from previous item with LINQ

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你的背包 2020-11-27 14:50

I\'m trying to prepare data for a graph using LINQ.

The problem that i cant solve is how to calculate the \"difference to previous.

the result I expect is <

  • 2020-11-27 15:14

    One option (for LINQ to Objects) would be to create your own LINQ operator:

    // I don't like this name :(
    public static IEnumerable<TResult> SelectWithPrevious<TSource, TResult>
        (this IEnumerable<TSource> source,
         Func<TSource, TSource, TResult> projection)
        using (var iterator = source.GetEnumerator())
            if (!iterator.MoveNext())
                 yield break;
            TSource previous = iterator.Current;
            while (iterator.MoveNext())
                yield return projection(previous, iterator.Current);
                previous = iterator.Current;

    This enables you to perform your projection using only a single pass of the source sequence, which is always a bonus (imagine running it over a large log file).

    Note that it will project a sequence of length n into a sequence of length n-1 - you may want to prepend a "dummy" first element, for example. (Or change the method to include one.)

    Here's an example of how you'd use it:

    var query = list.SelectWithPrevious((prev, cur) =>
         new { ID = cur.ID, Date = cur.Date, DateDiff = (cur.Date - prev.Date).Days) });

    Note that this will include the final result of one ID with the first result of the next ID... you may wish to group your sequence by ID first.

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  • 2020-11-27 15:19

    Use index to get previous object:

       var LinqList = list.Select( 
           (myObject, index) => 
              new { 
                ID = myObject.ID, 
                Date = myObject.Date, 
                Value = myObject.Value, 
                DiffToPrev = (index > 0 ? myObject.Value - list[index - 1].Value : 0)
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  • Here is the refactored code with C# 7.2 using the readonly struct and the ValueTuple (also struct).

    I use Zip() to create (CurrentID, PreviousID, CurrDate, PrevDate, DiffToPrev) tuple of 5 members. It is easily iterated with foreach:

    foreach(var (CurrentID, PreviousID, CurrDate, PrevDate, DiffToPrev) in diffs)

    The full code:

    public readonly struct S
        public int ID { get; }
        public DateTime Date { get; }
        public int Value { get; }
        public S(S other) => this = other;
        public S(int id, DateTime date, int value)
            ID = id;
            Date = date;
            Value = value;
        public static void DumpDiffs(IEnumerable<S> list)
            // Zip (or compare) list with offset 1 - Skip(1) - vs the original list
            // this way the items compared are i[j+1] vs i[j]
            // Note: the resulting enumeration will include list.Count-1 items
            var diffs = list.Skip(1)
                            .Zip(list, (curr, prev) => 
                                        (CurrentID: curr.ID, PreviousID: prev.ID, 
                                        CurrDate: curr.Date, PrevDate: prev.Date, 
                                        DiffToPrev: curr.Date.Day - prev.Date.Day));
            foreach(var (CurrentID, PreviousID, CurrDate, PrevDate, DiffToPrev) in diffs)
                Console.WriteLine($"Current ID: {CurrentID}, Previous ID: {PreviousID} " +
                                  $"Current Date: {CurrDate}, Previous Date: {PrevDate} " +
                                  $"Diff: {DiffToPrev}");

    Unit test output:

    // the list:
    // ID   Date
    // ---------------
    // 233  17-Feb-19
    // 122  31-Mar-19
    // 412  03-Mar-19
    // 340  05-May-19
    // 920  15-May-19
    // CurrentID PreviousID CurrentDate PreviousDate Diff (days)
    // ---------------------------------------------------------
    //    122       233     31-Mar-19   17-Feb-19      14
    //    412       122     03-Mar-19   31-Mar-19      -28
    //    340       412     05-May-19   03-Mar-19      2
    //    920       340     15-May-19   05-May-19      10

    Note: the struct (especially readonly) performance is much better than that of a class.

    Thanks @FelixUngman and @DavidHuxtable for their Zip() ideas!

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  • 2020-11-27 15:25

    In C#4 you can use the Zip method in order to process two items at a time. Like this:

            var list1 = list.Take(list.Count() - 1);
            var list2 = list.Skip(1);
            var diff = list1.Zip(list2, (item1, item2) => ...);
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  • 2020-11-27 15:25

    Modification of Jon Skeet's answer to not skip the first item:

    public static IEnumerable<TResult> SelectWithPrev<TSource, TResult>
        (this IEnumerable<TSource> source, 
        Func<TSource, TSource, bool, TResult> projection)
        using (var iterator = source.GetEnumerator())
            var isfirst = true;
            var previous = default(TSource);
            while (iterator.MoveNext())
                yield return projection(iterator.Current, previous, isfirst);
                isfirst = false;
                previous = iterator.Current;

    A few key differences... passes a third bool parameter to indicate if it is the first element of the enumerable. I also switched the order of the current/previous parameters.

    Here's the matching example:

    var query = list.SelectWithPrevious((cur, prev, isfirst) =>
        new { 
            ID = cur.ID, 
            Date = cur.Date, 
            DateDiff = (isfirst ? cur.Date : cur.Date - prev.Date).Days);
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-11-27 15:30

    Further to Felix Ungman's post above, below is an example of how you can achieve the data you need making use of Zip():

            var diffs = list.Skip(1).Zip(list,
                (curr, prev) => new { CurrentID = curr.ID, PreviousID = prev.ID, CurrDate = curr.Date, PrevDate = prev.Date, DiffToPrev = curr.Date.Day - prev.Date.Day })
            diffs.ForEach(fe => Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Current ID: {0}, Previous ID: {1} Current Date: {2}, Previous Date: {3} Diff: {4}",
                fe.CurrentID, fe.PreviousID, fe.CurrDate, fe.PrevDate, fe.DiffToPrev)));

    Basically, you are zipping two versions of the same list but the first version (the current list) begins at the 2nd element in the collection, otherwise a difference would always differ the same element, giving a difference of zero.

    I hope this makes sense,


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