I have a problem with linking my mixed language framework to a project.
1) I create a framework with Swift and Objective-C classes.
2) The main logic was stored in the
Apparently for pure objective-c projects you will need to add this $(TOOLCHAIN_DIR)/usr/lib/swift/$(PLATFORM_NAME)
to the library search paths of your target. This worked for me when I was including a library written in swift to a project in objective-c
If you have issue after update xCode to version 12 and errors
Could not find or use auto-linked library 'swiftWebKit'
and two more.
Just affffd $(SDKROOT)/usr/lib/swift
to the Build settings > Search paths > Library search paths.
Hope its help :)
Try this workaround https://stackoverflow.com/a/50495316/1658268
Basically just add a dummy swift file in your project, and re-run your build.
An update to Alex's answer:
In my case it was a React-Native project after adding a Swift Pods library. Maybe just the step 2 can work:
File -> New -> File
Select Swift File
Confirm Create Bridging Header
Build Settings
and set Always Embed Swift Standard Libraries
to YES
In my case it was a React-Native project after adding a Swift Pods library. Maybe just the step 2 can work:
1) File -> New -> File
2) Select Swift File
3) Confirm Create Bridging Header
Build Settings
and set Always Embed Swift Standard Libraries
to YES