Like many companies that require all access be through stored procedures, we seem to have a lot of business logic locked away in sprocs. These things are just plain hard to tes
I noticed your post was tagged as SqlServer. If that's the case, then you should look at the Team Edition for Database Professionals that is part of Visual Studio. Here's some articles:
The last one is actually cross-DB platform, while DBPro is solely SQL Server for now.
Here's my low-tech, quickie method of just keeping example inputs conveniently located in the DDL
USE [SpacelySprockets]
/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[uspBrownNoseMrSpacely] Script Date: 02/03/3000 00:24:41 ******/
--Stored Procedure DDL:
--Example Inputs
DECLARE @SuckupPloyId int
DECLARE @SuckupIdentityRecordId int
SET @SuckupPloyId = 3
-- =============================================
-- Author: 6eorge Jetson
-- Create date: 01/02/3000
-- Description: Sucks up to the boss
-- =============================================
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[uspBrownNoseMrSpacely]
@SuckupPloyId int
,@SuckupIdentityRecordId int OUTPUT
DECLARE @EmployeeId int
DECLARE @SuckupPoints int
DECLARE @DateTimeStamp datetime
SET @EmployeeId = dbo.svfGetEmployeeId('6eorge Jetson')
SET @SuckupPoints = dbo.svfGetSuckupPoints(@SuckupPloyId)
SET @DateTimeStamp = getdate()
--Data state-changing statement in sproc
INSERT INTO [dbo].[tblSuckupPointsEarned]([EmployeeId], [SuckupPoints], [DateTimeStamp] )
VALUES (@EmployeeId, @SuckupPoints, @DateTimeStamp)
SET @SuckupIdentityRecordId = @@Identity
--Unit Test Evidence Display
@EmployeeId as EmployeeId
,@SuckupPoints as SuckupPoints
,@DateTimeStamp as DateTimeStamp
--After editing for low-tech, non-state changing "unit-like" test invocation
--Example Inputs
DECLARE @SuckupPloyId int
DECLARE @SuckupIdentityRecordId int
SET @SuckupPloyId = 3
-- =============================================
-- Author: 6eorge Jetson
-- Create date: 01/02/3000
-- Description: Sucks up to the boss
-- =============================================
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[uspBrownNoseMrSpacely]
@SuckupPloyId int
,@SuckupIdentityRecordId int OUTPUT
DECLARE @EmployeeId int
DECLARE @SuckupPoints int
DECLARE @DateTimeStamp datetime
SET @EmployeeId = dbo.svfGetEmployeeId('6eorge Jetson')
SET @SuckupPoints = dbo.svfGetSuckupPoints(@SuckupPloyId)
SET @DateTimeStamp = getdate()
--Data state-changing statement now commented out to prevent data state change
-- INSERT INTO [dbo].[tblSuckupPointsEarned]([EmployeeId], [SuckupPoints], [DateTimeStamp] )
-- VALUES (@EmployeeId, @SuckupPoints, @DateTimeStamp)
SET @SuckupIdentityRecordId = @@Identity
--END --Need to comment out the sproc "END" also
--Unit Test Evidence Display
@EmployeeId as EmployeeId
,@SuckupPoints as SuckupPoints
,@DateTimeStamp as DateTimeStamp
It works even better for udfs as there is no change of state to worry about. Clearly, I wouldn't recommend this in lieu of a testing framework, but if I stick to this simple seconds-costing discipline of
Assert that my managable-sized sproc passes at least a simple "unit test"
prior to executing CREATE PROCEDURE, I find that I make fewer mistakes (likely due to discipline more than the test itself).
One method that I've used is to write a 'temporary' unit test for refactoring a particular stored procedure. You save the data from a set of queries from a database, and store them somewhere where a unit test can get at them.
Then, refactor your proc stock. The data returned should be the same, and can be compared directly against the saved data, automatically or manually.
An alternative is to run the two stored procedures in parallel, and compare the result sets.
This works particularly well for select-only stored procedures, but updates, inserts & deletes are more complex.
I've used this method to get the code to a state where it is more susceptible to unit testing, or simpler, or both.
We had a very thin Data Access layer which basically facaded stored procedures to look like C# methods. Our NUnit test-suite then had SetUp/TearDown to create/rollback a transaction and test methods that called into DAL. Nothing fancy, and proved to be easier to maintain than TSQLUnit test-suite.
Try TST. You can download and install it from:
Not sure if this is what you're looking for, but since you're using SQL Server: I've found LINQ to be a great tool test stored procs. You can just drag the stored procedures onto a DBML diagram and then call them as methods on your datacontext. Beats setting up ADO connections etc for a test harness. If you set up a test project in Visual Studio for example, you can simply test your procedures like methods on another object. If your stored procs return result sets, I think LINQ will translate that into anonymous variables that you should be able to access via IEnumerable or IQueryable (somebody pls verify this). But if you're returning return codes only, this should be a quick and fairly easy way.