Guice: how do you configure an @Provides and @Singleton in a module in this case?

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隐瞒了意图╮ 2021-02-11 22:35

I have a provider method in a module annotated with @Provides:

public ChatServicePerformanceMonitor getChatServicePerfMon() {

  • 2021-02-11 22:46

    If you're creating the ChatServicePerformanceMonitor like this:

    public ChatServicePerformanceMonitor getChatServicePerfMon() {
      return new ChatServicePerformanceMonitor();

    then your class level @Singleton annotation will have no effect because Guice isn't creating the object, you are. Guice can only enforce scope on objects it creates. There's nothing wrong with adding @Singleton to your getChatServicePerfMon() method.

    If you have a no-argument constructor (or an @Inject constructor) on the ChatServicePerformanceMonitor class and you remove your @Provides method then continual calls to the injector will return the same singleton.

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