fellow anthropoids and lily pads and paddlewheels!
I\'m developing a Windows desktop app in C#/.NET/WPF, using VS 2008. The app is required to install and run on Vis
Instead of checking "Enable ClickOnce Security Settings" and selecting "This is a full trust application", it is possible to change the permissions of your app's CommonAppDataDirectory with a Custom Action under the "install" section of a setup project. Here's what I did:
static void Main(string[] args)
if (args != null && args.Length > 0 && args[0] == "Install")
// Execute app "normally"
public static void SetPermissions()
String path = GetPath();
// Create security idenifier for all users (WorldSid)
SecurityIdentifier sid = new SecurityIdentifier(WellKnownSidType.WorldSid, null);
DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(path);
DirectorySecurity ds = di.GetAccessControl();
// add a new file access rule w/ write/modify for all users to the directory security object
ds.AddAccessRule(new FileSystemAccessRule(sid,
FileSystemRights.Write | FileSystemRights.Modify,
InheritanceFlags.ObjectInherit | InheritanceFlags.ContainerInherit, // all sub-dirs to inherit
AccessControlType.Allow)); // Turn write and modify on
// Apply the directory security to the directory
catch (Exception ex)
Since the installer runs with admin rights, the program will be able to change the permissions. I read somewhere that the "Enable ClickOnce Security" can cause the user to see an undesired prompt at app startup. Doing it as described above will prevent this from happening. I hope this helps someone. I know I could have benefited from seeing something like this a few days ago!