For example, a Pet
is an Animal
with an owner
and name
type Animal {
species: String
type Pet extends A
This is currently not possible in GraphQL, however there is an experimental package out there that might be useful for this purpose.
See example:
partial LinkFields {
rel: String
type: String
): [Link]
partial DocumentFields using LinkFields {
uuid: ID!
# The document type, such as x-im/article
type: String
# If specified, then a list of the products to which this document's availability is limited
products: [String]
# The human readable name of the document, often used publicly to identify the document
title: String
# The specific path on the web page where this document is publicly available
path: String
# A single metadata block
# The specific metadata block type to get
type: String
): MetadataBlock
interface Document using DocumentFields {}
type AuthorDocument implements Document using DocumentFields {}
Which results in:
type AuthorDocument implements Document {
rel: String
type: String
): [Link]
uuid: ID!
# The document type, such as x-im/article
type: String
# If specified, then a list of the products to which this document's availability is limited
products: [String]
# The human readable name of the document, often used publicly to identify the document
title: String
# The specific path on the web page where this document is publicly available
path: String
# A single metadata block
# The specific metadata block type to get
type: String
): MetadataBlock
What you can also do, since these are just strings is to create some helper functions that modify the string and insert the necessary fields.
If you are intereseted in following the discussion on Github, you can have a look at the following issue.
Starting with the June2018 stable version of the GraphQL spec, an Object type can extend another Object type:
Object type extensions are used to represent a type which has been extended from some original type. For example, this might be used to represent local data
In your example,
type Animal {
species: String
extend type Animal {
owner: Owner
name: String
This isn't inheritance per se; you can only extend the base type, not create new types based on it. Note there is no name for the new type; the existing Animal
type is extended.
The documentation doesn't mention anything about extend
, but the documentation is admittedly lackluster and being transitioned from Facebook's ownership to the Linux Foundation.
The JavaScript reference implementation doesn't fully support extensions, but since you've tagged your question apollo-server, you can use graphql-tools, which does:
const { graphql } = require('graphql');
const { makeExecutableSchema } = require('graphql-tools');
const typeDefs = `
type Person {
name: String!
extend type Person {
salary: Int
type Query {
person: Person
const resolvers = {
Query: {
person: () => ({ name: "John Doe", salary: 1234 })
const schema = makeExecutableSchema({ typeDefs, resolvers });
graphql(schema, '{ person {name salary} }').then((response) => {
For actual type inheritance, see the graphql-s2s library.