oha, well ... search for async network calls for swift. You will find many things.
But yea... Create an NSMutableRequest, init eith the URL, set the method to GET or POST.
Now make:
let task = NSURLSession.sharedSession().dataTaskWithRequest(yourMutableRequest) {
data, response, error in
// do your stuff here
This will run asynchron, so you need to think about a way to handle the data. At first your response data is in the variable data
this is a type of NSData. You will need this to create your dictionary:
let dictionaryOrArray = NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(data, options:.MutableContainers, error: nil)
Maybe you need to put this in a guard or if let statemant.
Now you need to pass the data to the function caller... you can do this in many ways, i prefer success and failure blocks
You call your Request function and you provide a success and failure block. This blocks will do what should happen in the end:
let successBlock:[AnyObject]->Void = { response in
// handle your dict
let failureBlock:NSError->Void = { error in
// error handling
YourClass.fetchSomething(someURL, parameters: params, requestMethod: method, success : successBlock, failure: failureBlock)
Something like that. In your request block with data, response, error you just do the following:
If error {