Getting the browser cursor from “wait” to “auto” without the user moving the mouse

前端 未结 15 1928
自闭症患者 2020-11-27 13:49

I use this jQuery code to set the mouse pointer to its busy state (hourglass) during an Ajax call...

$(\'body\').css(\'cursor\', \'wait\');

  • 2020-11-27 14:10

    Working solution on CodeSandbox

    Some of the other solutions do not work in all circumstances. We can achieve the desired result with two css rules:

    body.busy, .busy * {
      cursor: wait !important;
    .not-busy {
      cursor: auto;

    The former indicates that we are busy and applies to all elements on the page, attempting to override other cursor styles. The latter applies only to the page body and is used simply to force a UI update; we want this rule to be as non-specific as possible and it doesn't need to apply to other page elements.

    We can then trigger and end the busy state as follows:

    function onBusyStart() {
    function onBusyEnd() {

    In summary, although we have to change the cursor style to update the cursor, directly modifying or similar does not have the intended effect, on some engines such as Webkit, until the cursor is moved. Using classes to affect the change is more robust. However, in order to reliably force the UI to update (again, on some engines), we have to add another class. It seems removing classes is treated differently from adding them.

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  • 2020-11-27 14:16

    As of jquery 1.9 you should ajaxStart and ajaxStop to document. They work fine for me in firefox. Have not tested in other browsers.

    In CSS:

    html.busy *
       cursor: wait !important;

    In javaScript:

    // Makes the mousecursor show busy during ajax 
    $( document )
       .ajaxStart( function startBusy() { $( 'html' ).addClass   ( 'busy' ) } )     
       .ajaxStop ( function stopBusy () { $( 'html' ).removeClass( 'busy' ) } )
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  • 2020-11-27 14:19

    Hey Guys, I have a nitty gritty solution which works on all browsers. Assumption is protoype library is used. Someone can write this as plain Javascript too. The solution is to have a div on top of all just after you reset the cursor and shake it a little bit to cause the cursor to move. This is published in my blog

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