My goal here is to make two separate applications (one in Java and other in C++, both on the same machine) read from the same SQLite database. The C++ implementation already wor
Not sure about the performance you need over the IPC but there are several approaches:
In either case you will need a serializer/deserializer for the objects(data) you pass from java to c++ and viceversa.
Depending on the data format you might need serializer/deserializer only on Java side. (e.g. you send out binary data that C++ will read without needing to decode it anymore). A good tutorial on how to use memorymapped file in java can be found here and in C++ you need to use mmap function.
Actually I was wrong. I don't need to use JNI to use named pipes in Java. I have successfully communicated these two processes using basic techniques. In java I have just used FileOutputStream and FileInputStream to communicate with the named pipes.
This link was specially useful to me:
You could use swig. Swig can parse your C/C++ header and generate Java clases/functions of it. The generated code has jni calls to call your c++ clases or your c functions.