SLF4J is a wrapper/facade class so you can use many different log types, such as logback, log4j , etc. Let\'s say i want to use both logback and log4j and even a third like jav
As you understood, SLF4J is only an interface and needs an implementation. Basically, SLF4J does a call to :
EDIT : now, this information is a bit outdated. It seems that nowadays, SLF4J uses java.util.ServiceLoader
to load a org.slf4j.spi.SLF4JServiceProvider
but the logic stays the same.
It means that you classpath must contain such a class with this fully qualified name.
Every logging framework that is compatible with slf4j defines such a class.
, you will find a class named org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder
which redirects to logback's implementationlog4j
and slf4j
which is called slf4j-log4j
which also define a class named org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder
but which redirects to log4j's implementation.So if you want slf4j to use a particular framework, just place the accurate jar in the classpath so that the corresponding implementation of org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder
is found.
Here is the big picture (Source : :