i\'m using the jQuery UI datepicker instead of the
, which is changing the selected date in a textbox. Now I want to save this neatly back into
There shouldn't be that much magic.
beans = {
class CustomPropertyEditorRegistrar implements PropertyEditorRegistrar {
void registerCustomEditors(PropertyEditorRegistry registry) {
// Always set the nullable to true and handle not nullable fields through constraints
registry.registerCustomEditor(Date.class, new CustomDateEditor(new SimpleDateFormat("dd.MM.yyyy"), true));
You many need to check the GrailsBinder code. However I have a possibly simpler solution. Below is some JQuery Code which finds all the g:datePicker code and renders a Grails Date Picker. It hides the original Select Boxes (so this code will degrade gracefully) then insert a new Textbox and the JQuery UI Datepicker. This solution also works when the user changes just the Text box without dropping down the date picker.
function updateDatePicker () {
$("input[value='date.struct']:hidden").each(function() {
var dateFormat = "dd/mm/yy";
var name = $(this).attr('name');
var id = name.replace(".", "_").replace("[", "_").replace("]", "_") + "_input"; // Create JQuery Friendly ID
if ($('#'+id).length == 0) {
// Find the Select Elements
var selectDay= $(this).nextAll("select:eq(0)").hide();
var selectMonth = $(this).nextAll("select:eq(1)").hide();
var selectYear = $(this).nextAll("select:eq(2)").hide();
// Get the Values
var dateDay= $(selectDay).val();
var dateMonth = $(selectMonth).val();
var dateYear = $(selectYear).val();
// Calculate the Current Input Value
var val = "";
if (dateDay != "" && dateYear != "" && dateMonth != "") { // If there is a date in the Selects then use it otherwise it's empty
var date = new Date (dateYear, dateMonth-1, dateDay);
val = $.datepicker.formatDate(dateFormat, date);
// Create element
var template = "<input type='text' name='"+ id +"' id='"+ id +"' value='"+ val +"'/>";
if ($(this).parent(".datePickerCalenderView").size()) {
template = "<div id='"+ id +"'/>";
var displayWidget = $('#' + id );
displayWidget.blur(function() {
var date = $.datepicker.parseDate(dateFormat, $(this).val());
if (date == null) {
else {
}).keydown(function(event) {
// Show popup on Down Arrow
if (event.keyCode == 40) {
changeMonth: true,
changeYear: true,
dateFormat: dateFormat,
constrainInput: true,
showButtonPanel: true,
showWeeks: true,
showOn: 'button',
onSelect: function(dateText, inst) {
if (inst == null) {
else {
Finally add this code to update the inputs when the page loads and when an AJAX call is made
$(document).ready (function (){
$("#spinner").ajaxComplete (function(event, request, settings){
Hope this helps.
I have a created a simple grails custom tag to use the jQuery UI datepicker. It's characteristics are as follows:
It creates three hidden input fields dateField_day, dateField_month, dateField_year
It's responsible for populating these hidden input fields when a date has been selected from the calendar.
It's prerequisites are as follows:
The taglib code is as follows:
class JqueryDatePickerTagLib {
def jqDatePicker = {attrs, body -> def out = out def name = attrs.name def id = attrs.id ?: name
//Create date text field and supporting hidden text fields need by grails
out.println "<input type=\"text\" name=\"${name}\" id=\"${id}\" />"
out.println "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"${name}_day\" id=\"${id}_day\" />"
out.println "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"${name}_month\" id=\"${id}_month\" />"
out.println "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"${name}_year\" id=\"${id}_year\" />"
//Code to parse selected date into hidden fields required by grails
out.println "<script type=\"text/javascript\"> \$(document).ready(function(){"
out.println "\$(\"#${name}\").datepicker({"
out.println "onClose: function(dateText, inst) {"
out.println "\$(\"#${name}_month\").attr(\"value\",new Date(dateText).getMonth() +1);"
out.println "\$(\"#${name}_day\").attr(\"value\",new Date(dateText).getDate());"
out.println "\$(\"#${name}_year\").attr(\"value\",new Date(dateText).getFullYear());"
out.println "}"
out.println "});"
out.println "})</script>"
} }
The gsp code is as follows:
<g:jqDatePicker name="orderDate"/>
You can find the full article at: My Blog