Again - i\'m confused about DDD things :)
I have architeture (I\'m still working on it) that in short hand looks like that:
EntityDao -> I
1. One service per entity?
No. You do not need to create one service for one entity. In DDD you would create services for operations that do not naturally map to a single entity (or value object). A good service (from Evans) :
So a service can consume many entities and there might be many entities that aren't consumed by a single service at all.
2a. Should services have "query" methods (..)?
No. Generally speaking those are repository methods and are not placed on services. However, there can be operations on a service that return a collection of entities.
2b.Should I stop to use Repositories in upper layers (UI) to get sets ("Find"-like methods) of entity's and start to use only services?
That might be a good idea. Often, when an application uses many repositories in the UI layer, the UI performs domain operations on multiple entities. These operations should typically be implemented in the domain layer; either in the entities themselves, or in services.
3. Should I use Services and Repositories in parallel from the UI?
Better not, see above; although there might be situations where you can quickly create part of your UI by doing so.
4. Somehow I feel that Repositoriess don't fit in Domain layer ...
You're right, you should only put repository interfaces in the domain. See Kostassoid's answer for an example.
My thoughts:
2a. If your UI needs all data from entities of some type then yes, otherwise no. And FindAll() is hardly a use case.
2b. You should use Repositories from your Services, that's actually the only place where you should use it.
3 see 2b.
4 Yes. You should leave interfaces for repositories in your Domain, but implementation should be in Data Access. Then you can glue everything with some IoC container. Could be like this:
//in domain
public interface IUserRepository {
User GetById(Guid id);
//in data access
public class UserRepository : IUserRepository
public UserRepsitory(/* some orm specific dependencies */) { }
public User GetById(Guid id) { /* implementation */ }