I have a Symfony2 project. I updated my php to 5.5.7 today and since then, I am getting the
Warning: date_default_timezone_get(): It is not safe to rely on
Maybe you are trying to set it in Apache's php.ini
, but your CLI (Command Line Interface) php.ini
is not good.
Find your php.ini
file with the following command:
php -i | grep php.ini
And then search for date.timezone
and set it to "Europe/Amsterdam"
. all valid timezone will be found here http://php.net/manual/en/timezones.php
Another way (if the other does not work), search for the file AppKernel.php
, which should be under the folder app
of your Symfony project directory. Overwrite the __construct
function below in the class AppKernel
class AppKernel extends Kernel
// Other methods and variables
// Append this init function below
public function __construct($environment, $debug)
date_default_timezone_set( 'Europe/Paris' );
parent::__construct($environment, $debug);