How do you deal with configuration files in source control?

前端 未结 19 1885
情书的邮戳 2020-11-27 13:00

Let\'s say you have a typical web app and with a file configuration.whatever. Every developer working on the project will have one version for their dev boxes, there will be

  • 2020-11-27 13:36

    @Grant is right.

    I'm on a team with close to 100 other developers, and our config files are not checked into source control. We have versions of the files in the repository that are pulled with each check out but they don't change.

    It's worked out pretty well for us.

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  • 2020-11-27 13:37

    On our project we have configuration stored in files with a prefix then our build system pulls in the appropriate configuration based on the current system's hostname. This works well for us on a relatively small team, allowing us to apply config changes to other people's files if/when we add a new configuration item. Obviously this definitely doesn't scale to open source projects with an unbounded number of developers.

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  • 2020-11-27 13:38

    The solution we use is to have only the single configuration file (web.config/app.config), but we add a special section to the file that contains settings for all environments.

    There is a LOCAL, DEV, QA, PRODUCTION sections each containing the configuration keys relevant to that environment in our config file(s).

    What make this all work is an assembly named xxx.Environment which is referenced in all of our applications (winforms and webforms) which tells the application which environment it is operating on.

    The xxx.Environment assembly reads a single line of information from the machine.config of the given machine which tells it that it is on DEV, QA, etc. This entry is present on all of our workstations and servers.

    Hope this helps.

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  • 2020-11-27 13:38

    I faced that same problem and I found a solution for it. I first added all the files to the central repository (also the developer ones).

    So if a developer fetches the files from the repository the developer config is also there. When changing made to this file, Git should not be aware of these changes. That way changes cannot be pushed/committed to the repository but stay locally.

    I solved this by using the git command: update-index --assume-unchanged. I made a bat file that is executed in the prebuild of the projects that are containing a file whose changes should be ignore by Git. Here is the code I put in the bat file:

    set fileName=%1
    set fileName=%fileName:\=/%
    for /f "useback tokens=*" %%a in ('%fileName%') do set fileName=%%~a
    set "gitUpdate=git update-index --assume-unchanged"
    set parameter= "%gitUpdate% %fileName%"
    echo %parameter% as parameter for git
    "C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin\sh.exe" --login -i -c %parameter%
    echo Make FIleBehaveLikeUnchangedForGit Done.
    echo no git here.
    echo %2%

    In my prebuild I would made a call to the bat file, for example:

    call "$(ProjectDir)\..\..\MakeFileBehaveLikeUnchangedForGit.bat" "$(ProjectDir)Web.config.developer" "$(SolutionDir)"

    I found on SO a bat file that copies the correct config file to the web.config/app.config. I also call this bat file in the prebuild. The code for this bat file is:

    @echo off
    echo Comparing two files: %1 with %2
    if not exist %1 goto File1NotFound
    if not exist %2 goto File2NotFound
    fc %1 %2 
    if %ERRORLEVEL%==0 GOTO NoCopy
    echo Files are not the same.  Copying %1 over %2
    copy %1 %2 /y & goto END
    echo Files are the same.  Did nothing
    goto END
    echo %1 not found.
    goto END
    copy %1 %2 /y
    goto END
    echo Done.

    In my prebuild I would made a call to the bat file, for example:

    call "$(ProjectDir)\..\..\copyifnewer.bat" "$(ProjectDir)web.config.$(ConfigurationName)" "$(ProjectDir)web.config
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  • 2020-11-27 13:41

    What I've done in the past is to have a default config file which is checked in to source control. Then, each developer has their own override config file which is excluded from source control. The app first loads the default, and then if the override file is present, loads that and uses any settings from the override in preference to the default file.

    In general, the smaller the override file the better, but it can always contain more settings for a developer with a very non-standard environment.

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  • 2020-11-27 13:41

    We use a template config file that is checked in to version control and then a step in our automated build to replace specific entries in the template file with environment-specific settings. The environment-specific settings are stored in a separate XML file that is also under version control.

    We're using MSBuild in our automated build, so we use the XmlUpdate task from MSBuild Community Tasks to update the values.

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