Am new to linux cron job, i am using mysql DB, my database name finaldb, i want to take this database every one hour,
I have folder called dailbackup, in this i have fol
Create somewhere a script to make your rolling backups, like this (untested, but should work):
BKPDIR=dailbackup # You must use absolute path here
BKPFILE=${BKPDIR}/`date +%Y-%m-%d`/final_db_`date +%H`.sql
# Create backup
mysqldump --user=${USERNAME} --password=${PASSWORD} ${DB} | gzip -c > ${BKPFILE}
# Remove older backups (> 7 days),
# unless you want to run out of drive space
find ${BKPDIR} -mtime +7 -print0 | xargs -0 rm -rf
Then setup this script to run as an hourly cronjob:
crontab -e
0 * * * * /absolute-path-to-where-you-saved-the-script
crontab -e
putting this:
the_date='date +%Y%m%d'
the_hour='date +%H'
0 * * * * mysqldump OPTIONS > /dailbackup/`$the_date`/final_db_`$the_hour`.sql
the above cron is allow you to backup database every hour and using the %H
as sql file name
Yes ofcourse, you can do it as long as your mysql server is up and listening :). You will need to make a shell or perl script and use edit the crond using the below command (in Fedora):
crontab -e
Components of your cron job is ::
1) Path to your script(executable)
2) Minutes(00-59)
3) Hours (00 - 23)
4) Month (01-12)
5) Day (01-31)
6) Day of the week (00 -06 with 00 as Sunday)
Example :: You wat to run test_pl script every day at 1200
entry in crontab will be ::
00 12 * * * /home/jok/test_pl
Untested one liner:
mysqldump -u*user* -p*password* -P*dbport* -h localhost finaldb > /.../dailbackup/final_db_$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%H_%M).sql
just add it to your cron job or wrap it in a script and you are done
Create a PHP Script containing the following:
$dbFile = 'final_db'.date('H').'.sql.gz';
$dbHost = 'localhost'; // Database Host
$dbUser = 'username'; // Database Username
$dbPass = 'password'; // Database Password
exec( 'mysqldump --host="'.$dbHost.'" --user="'.$dbUser.'" --password="'.$dbPass.'" --add-drop-table "finaldb" | gzip > "'.$dbFile.'"' );